Girls’ and Boys’ hockey is strong at Bryanston School with some twenty three teams competing in Regional and National competitions, highlighting the popularity and importance of hockey within the school. Individual girls and their respective school teams have delivered outstanding results in recent years, with sides often positioned in the top two in the county.
The brief was to replace the artificial grass surface on the principal hockey pitch and introduce a new system which would ensure compliance with the FIH National Performance Standard. To deliver this objective, S&C Slatter installed an in-situ bound rubber shock pad onto the tarmacadam engineered sub-base, and then laid a high performance 18mm sand-dressed artificial turf complete with inlaid line markings.
To reflect and compliment the other branding elements the school has introduced to the pitch equipment and perimeter, the Bryanston School crest was reproduced in artificial turf and inset into the playing surface.