Following an uncertain but busy year, The Slatter Group continues to expand, continually investing in our people and technology. We’ve been catching up with some of our newest recruits to welcome them to the team whilst getting an insight into their new roles and past experience.

Andy Cackett joined the team in late March, utilising his skills to support our design and estimating teams.

Hi Andy, welcome to the company! How has your first month been?

I have really enjoyed my first month here and the time has flown by. It feels like I’ve been at the company for years, which I believe is a true testament to the people and running of S&C Slatter.


Tell us a little bit about your background

Having finished secondary school, I decided to look for a job rather than continue with education. I started working with an electrical firm undertaking their design work, along with assisting the estimating teams. My role quickly progressed and I worked my way to Estimating Manager for the London branch.

For some of the following years, my focus was then on assisting with the AutoCAD Design work on the 2012 Olympics which was a real highlight of my time in this role. From here, I’ve since worked as an estimator for main contractors such as Kier & Francis Construction.


Can you tell us a bit about your new role as Project Designer and the team you’ve joined?

My new role is a split role, undertaking CAD requirements, along with estimating within the sales team.
The role requires a great level of accuracy and attention to detail. Luckily with Chris and Stephan joining also, this is covered.

How has the design and planning industry changed over recent years?

Like so many other industries, design and planning, along with construction, has evolved with the requirements of peoples wants and needs. You can see these in technology, health and safety demand, and the qualifications and skills within the teams delivering them.  

With the UK, like other countries, in and out of lockdown over the past year, how has the industry had to adapt? 

With construction on site slowing for a small period, the drive for the planning of future work seems to have positively picked back up once again.

What are the biggest challenges currently facing customers and design & planning providers?

Time, material availability and budgets. With more work being undertaken on local small-scale projects, and large (such as HS2), this means less availability of materials and increasing costs. Planning, therefore, is key.

What attracted you to your role at S&C Slatter?

Having found the open position, and learning about S&C Slatter, the attraction was to become part of a market-leading company that fitted my love for sport & lifestyle. It also gave me the opportunity to reintroduce my AutoCAD experience back into day-to-day life. Having now been here for a month, I just wish the opportunity would have come sooner.

What advice would you give to any organisations planning a new sports construction project?

I believe the key areas of delivering a successful project are honesty, precision planning and a deep understanding of the end goal/use and how best to achieve this.
Having visited a few great S&C Projects now, it seems word of mouth between colleges, clubs and ground teams are of great benefit, so I think seeking the guidance of colleagues and similar institutions is an important step in understanding the quality of contractor you’re considering.

Finally, what do you like to do outside of work?

With a new baby boy arriving just last week, and a daughter who is three, “downtime” is pretty busy and spent mainly playing in the garden and jumping on the trampoline. If I manage to escape, it’s normally for DIY, running, swimming or keeping fit in different ways. Standing still or stopping just isn’t my thing.


Thanks so much to Andy for taking the time to do this Q&A with us – especially during such a busy time! Welcome to the team and congratulations on your new arrival!

Get in touch

Our estimators are on hand to give you the best possible understanding of what’s possible on site, and at what projected cost.

Our designers will bring your project to life with conceptual and technical design, delivering on your objectives while utilising our vast experience to maximise value.

If you’re considering a sports construction project and want to ensure maximum quality with minimal risk, get in touch with Andy and the team on 01635 345 21 or email

Following an uncertain but busy year, The Slatter Group continues to expand, continually investing in our people and technology. We’ve been catching up with some of our newest recruits to welcome them to the team whilst getting an insight into their new roles and past experience.

Chris Hutton joined our busy sales and estimating team in late March, bringing with him a varied background in the sports sector.

Hi Chris, welcome to the company! How have your first couple of weeks been?

The first few weeks have been great, all the team have been very welcoming and happy to help with any questions. The first few weeks have been set to give myself and Andy (our other new estimator) a detailed induction and introduction to the company.


Tell us a little bit about your background

I started working as a Golf greenkeeper when I finished school at 16, working my way up to course manager while studying in Horticulture and mechanics. I decided to leave greenkeeping after 12 years in 2010 to work in contracts management. Five years ago I made the move from a contracts managing role to estimator.


Can you tell us a bit about your new role as Estimator and the team you’ve joined?

My new role as estimator is within the sales team. My role requires me to price the works for our projects, which requires a good level of accuracy and attention to detail to ensure what we price is deliverable.

Have you noticed any changes in the industry over recent years?

I am still relatively new to the sports construction industry, but I would say that the difficulties the industry is currently facing is the same as the broader construction industry. Covid has meant that budgets have become tighter and competition to win projects have become stronger.

With the UK currently in lockdown, how have rules had to adapt?

Remote working is the biggest change and way we have needed to adapt. The team on the ground have had to ensure that new and changing Health & Safety processes are always up to date and successfully implemented.

What are the biggest challenges you find that our customers are facing?

Budgets. Covid has meant there is a little less money available to spend on projects. Many supplies items have also increased meaning that budgets do not go as far as they once did.

What are the biggest challenges for you as an Estimator?

Finding ways to give the customer what they want for the right money. This means that many projects need to have a level of creative thinking and problem solving.

What attracted you to your role at S&C Slatter?

The attraction was the company being market-leading in the industry and a family run company. From my background in sports turf and my love for all things sport it is great to see so many sporting facilities being developed!

What advice would you give to any organisations planning a new sports construction project?

From what I have seen over the past few weeks, the advice and support that a company like S&C Slatter gives is second to none. It is a big investment, and the team are happy to give their advice and guide customers to make the best decisions for their project based on their needs.

Finally, what do you like to do outside of work?

I have three boys who are all very active – much of the weekend is spent watching them from the side-lines on football and rugby pitches! When I get some free time to myself it is spent on the golf course.


Thanks so much to Chris for taking the time to do this Q&A with us – welcome to the team!

Get in touch

Our estimators are on hand to give you the best possible understanding of what’s possible on site, and at what projected cost.

If you’re considering a sports construction project and want to ensure maximum quality with minimal risk, get in touch with Chris and the team on 01635 345 21 or email

S&C Slatter are thrilled to share that Royal Holloway University’s sand-dressed hockey pitch has once again retained its FIH National Field Certification, seven years after construction, under the International Hockey Federation (FIH) Quality Programme.

The sand-dressed hockey pitch was delivered as part of a wider sports hub constructed by S&C Slatter for the university in 2014, featuring facilities for hockey, football, rugby, lacrosse, tennis, netball, cricket and more!

FIH(igh) Quality Hockey

Royal Holloway’s hockey club boasts over 150 members and is the largest sports club on the university’s campus. With this in mind, the university required a pitch that would deliver high performance standards consistently without impacting its lifespan – all while withstanding the high levels of usage by the university’s six dedicated hockey teams.

The sand-dressed pitch was constructed to FIH National standard in 2014, certified for National, Regional and Club level hockey. Seven years after construction we’re thrilled (but unsurprised!) that the pitch, which is also maintained by our expert Maintenance Division, continues to deliver to the high performance standard it was built to.

The pitch was re-tested by an independent third party in March and successfully retains its FIH National Certification which will now remain in place until 2023.

As the world’s first FIH Certified Field Builder, S&C Slatter are proud supporters of the FIH Quality Programme for Hockey Turf and are well versed in designing and constructing hockey pitches to the high standards by the FIH, from Multi-sport to Global Certification. Working only with the best sports surface producers, our exclusive artificial turf partners FieldTurf are FIH Preferred Suppliers.


Alastair Cox, Facilities and Quality Programme Manager, International Hockey Federation (FIH), commented:

This pitch’s ability to retain FIH Certification over a prolonged period shows the benefits of selecting a high quality FIH approved hockey turf and appointing an FIH Certified Field Builder to construct the pitch.  Quality always matters, that is why the FIH applaud best practice, as so clearly demonstrated at this site.”


Building a home for sport at Royal Holloway

The university’s hockey pitch was delivered as part of a major sports centre redevelopment on the university’s main campus in 2014, where S&C Slatter constructed:

  • A new 3G pitch for rugby, football and American football, to FIFA Quality and World Rugby Regulation 22 performance standards
  • A new sand-dressed hockey pitch for hockey and lacrosse, to FIH National performance standard
  • 3x netball and 4x tennis courts
  • Multi-use games area (MUGA) for small sided basketball and football as well as fitness activities, complete with a running track for training around the perimeter
  • Natural turf cricket square
  • Car park construction, fencing and floodlighting

It’s been a joy to see the impact of the facility at the university over the years and we’re delighted to continue our partnership, maintaining these first-class facilities to ensure students enjoy many more years of top performance!

Winning Partnership for Hockey

S&C Slatter and FieldTurf have delivered more hockey pitches to FIH Global Certification in the UK than any other contractor.

We’re committed to providing first-class pitches for top performance, maximum use and longevity.

With in-house expertise across design, planning, construction and maintenance, get in touch now to discuss your hockey needs.

Call 01635 34521 or email

GrassMaster Solutions, hybrid turf production partner to our sister company White Horse Contractors, today unveiled the latest innovation in hybrid installation technology: the GrassMaster Gen-S.

The new machinery offers a faster, lighter, eco-friendly stitching method for the installation of GrassMaster Solutions’ market-leading hybrid grass systems.

Cutting installation time down by 40%

With over 5million m2 of GrassMaster Solutions hybrid turf installed worldwide and utilised at the highest levels of elite sport, the Gen-S is the latest addition to the company’s installation fleet, the result of continued investment in people, technology and equipment.

The advanced technology of the new Gen-S delivers accurate and variable stitch spacing and depth. With the robust hydraulic stitching unit cutting down installation time, GrassMaster’s experienced installation teams can now deliver the world’s most proven hybrid technology, faster.


Benjamin Huneau, General Manager, GrassMaster Solutions, commented:

We are excited about this latest addition which further extends our market-leading proposition within the hybrid grass sector. The Gen-S is electrically powered and allows our experienced installation teams to stitch a GrassMaster pitch more quickly.”


Plug and play

The new Gen-S machine is electrically powered which – combined with the shorter stitching time – reduces the energy consumed in the installation process. This power option will surely prove a bonus for carbon-conscious clients and demonstrates GrassMaster Solutions’ – and parent company Tarkett Sports – continued commitment to improving sustainability.


Increased protection

As well as delivering faster, eco-friendly, hybrid turf stitching, the new GrassMaster Gen-S is the company’s lightest machine yet, providing enhanced protection for the 100% natural grass turf utilised in the world’s leading hybrid turf pitches – each pitch reinforced with 20 million in-house produced high-performance monofilament fibres (HPF).


Benjamin added:

The new light weight machine allows for lower down-pressures on the surface, thus reducing the machine’s impact when working on young grass.”


Trusted performance

GrassMaster hybrid turf pitches are used for elite competition worldwide, featured in the FIFA World Cup, Rugby World Cup, NFL and UEFA European Championships. With 75% of Premier League teams playing on GrassMaster hybrid pitches, the innovators of hybrid turf technology continue to lead from the front, with the new Gen-S technology providing clients with the confidence of 800+ proven installations, combined with improved stitching quality, fibre resilience and speed of installation.

Following the announcement of White Horse Contractors’ partnership with GrassMaster Solutions for hybrid turf construction, clients now have the opportunity to construct the most proven hybrid turf surface, all with the benefit of shorter, eco-friendly installation and enhanced natural grass protection.

Learn more about GrassMaster hybrid turf.


For more information call 01635 34521 or email

S&C Slatter are thrilled to be on-site at Wimborne Town FC’s New Cuthbury ground, commencing works on a brand new 3G artificial turf training pitch.

In with the new (Cuthbury)

In November 2020, Wimborne Town FC said a final farewell to their old Cuthbury ground – home to the club for more than 100 years – and embarked on a new chapter at a purpose-built facility, New Cuthbury, on nearby Parmiter Drive.

S&C Slatter are no strangers to the ambitious new development, partially funded through developer relocation. As the leading 3G Pitch supplier for non-league football, Wimborne Town FC recognised the significant benefits our extensive experience and in-house group offering would bring to the project.

Well-versed in football club relocation, our dedicated Design and Planning division supported the club in securing planning permission, with the club selecting our superior design specification, delivering the entire facility layout to The FA’s Sports Ground Grading C, suitable for the National League System.

Works on the 3G artificial turf training pitch commenced on Monday 22nd March and mark the final stage of the project, following the completion of the club’s new natural turf stadia pitch by our sister company White Horse Contractors. The facility also features a new clubhouse, car park and spectator areas.

Future-proofing football with 3G

Our construction teams are already familiar with the facility, with our in-house Surfacing and Civils teams having delivered ancillary footpath construction, fencing and floodlighting for the ground.

The new 3G Pitch will feature the latest upgraded XM7 artificial turf system from our exclusive partners FieldTurf (FIFA Preferred Turf Producers), chosen to meet the required FIFA performance standard*.

*Testing and certification will take place on completion of the pitch.


The training pitch will also feature new perimeter fencing and a spectator area, so the pitch can be utilised for match play when required. With 3G Pitches designed to handle 60-80 hours of play per week, the new pitch will enable all-weather on-site training for The Magpie’s 1st, Reserve and Junior teams, allowing the club to protect the condition and performance of the natural turf stadia pitch for optimum match play.

The 3G pitch will also play a key role in the growth of football in the community, with the club offering soccer schools, walking football, Wimborne Town FC’s Football Academy and dedicated development centre. The high usage capacity will also enable the club to hire out the pitch for external use, generating additional revenue to reinvest in the club’s future.

We’re thrilled to be back on-site at the New Cuthbury to deliver the final stage of Wimborne Town FC’s relocation works, marking a distinct move into the future for the 143-year-old club.

Transforming the game in non-league football

S&C Slatter are the leading contractor for non-league football 3G Stadia & Training Pitches.

We have delivered more pitches to the highest levels of non-league football than any other.

We’re committed to providing first-class pitches for top performance, maximum use and longevity, with the certifications and success rate to prove it.

With in-house expertise across design, planning, construction and maintenance, get in touch now to discuss your needs. Call 01635 34521 or email

S&C Slatter are pleased to announce our exciting new partnership with experienced finance brokers Buckingham Leasing.

As leading sports construction specialists since 1991, we’re thrilled to combine our expertise with Buckingham Leasing’s proven history in delivering flexible and competitive financial solutions.

Through our exclusive new partnership, clients can now (subject to approval) fund, construct and maintain sports pitches, athletics tracks and playing courts through one dedicated point of contact.

Fund a new 3G pitch for as little as £8,300 a month

With competitive finance rates equating to as little as £8,300 a month over 7 years for a brand new 3G Pitch, the partnership will empower schools, universities, clubs and councils to fund and build sports facilities with greatly reduced up-front costs.

Our three finance options provide an alternative, affordable route for sports facility funding, construction and maintenance. Delivered through one point of contact, organisations can spread the cost of their investment over time to maximise cash flow, realise tax benefits and better forecast business expenditure.

Together, S&C Slatter and Buckingham Leasing will offer construction and finance packages across three finance solutions: sports operating leases, hire purchase agreements and finance leases.

Find out more about the benefits of each finance option below:

Specialists in sports facility finance

Buckingham Leasing is a leading supplier of business and asset finance supporting companies from all sectors across the UK. With expertise in the grounds care, sport and leisure markets, clients include Crystal Palace F.C., Wellington College, University of Reading, Blenheim High School and Amersham Town Council.

Regulated and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Buckingham Leasing offers credit through their own fund base as well as having access to lines of credit through major world banks, putting them in the best position to provide flexible and competitive financial solutions for small and large businesses alike.

Clients will benefit from both companies’ commitment to excellence and innovation, teamed with 50+ years’ combined heritage in delivering first-class sporting facilities.

Jason Douglass, S&C Slatter Group Director, commented:

We are thrilled to be partnering exclusively with Buckingham Leasing. Having worked together previously to help clients protect cash-flow while delivering stunning new facilities, we’re delighted to offer this unique package at a time when the benefits of finance couldn’t be clearer”.

Build now, pay later

With a variety of benefits across our three finance solutions, clients can take advantage of options such zero deposits, payment deferrals and tax relief*. In some cases, this means your facility can be constructed – and generating revenue through hire – before you even begin your repayments. Read our case study to find out how the John Madejski Academy offset their operating lease repayments with facility hire.

*Subject to approval and specification, some options are specific to certain finance types, please see each individual page for more detail.

Under our new partnership, Buckingham Finance are able to offer eligible organisations financing to fund a variety of new-build and refurbishment projects, including:

For many of these, clients can even include fencing, floodlighting and maintenance in their project, financed over the same term.

During a challenging time for all sectors, we’re thrilled to begin our exciting new partnership with Buckingham Leasing, delivering first-class sports facility funding and construction through bespoke financial solutions, tailored to each of our clients.

Ian Bridges, Managing Director Buckingham Leasing, commented:

“We are delighted to announce this exclusive partnership with leading sports construction specialists S&C Slatter. We believe this collaboration offers independent schools a unique opportunity to fund and build exceptional sports facilities through bespoke finance solutions that reduce upfront costs and protect cashflow.”

Sports Facility Finance & Construction

Over the past 30 years, we’ve worked with clients who have utilised a variety of funding options to bring their sports construction projects to life.

Working exclusively with our partners Buckingham Leasing, we offer a variety of financing solutions to enable clients to fund, build and maintain sports pitches, playing courts and athletics tracks.

View our sports funding and finance case studies to see a selection of projects funded through finance solutions or grant funding.

Contact our team to talk to us about your plans and receive advice and guidance on what funding options may be best suited to you.

For more information call 01635 34521 or email

The Football Foundation have launched three new ‘Game On’ funds, committing over £16m of funding to help grassroots football to prepare for the return of sport.

The three Game On funds: Return to Football, Grass Pitch Maintenance and Small Grants are geared towards the varying needs of clubs who will need help prior to lockdown restrictions easing on 29th March, when outdoor team sport is set to resume in England.

What are the new Game On Funds?

The three Game On funds are targeted at grassroots football clubs across the country, each with a different purpose, such as supporting football in areas of need, grass pitch maintenance and funding for new sports equipment.

In total, over £16m is on offer for eligible groups across the three funds:

  • Return to Football Fund
  • Grass Pitch Maintenance Fund
  • Small Grants Fund

The Football Foundation is strongly encouraging community groups to apply for the funds, to help ensure a strong return to the sport on March 29th. Find out more about each fund below.

If you’re looking to secure funding for a non-football related or larger scale project, such as a new facility or facility refurbishment, please refer to our funding and finance page.

Return to Football Fund

The Return to Football fund is targeting the clubs and organisations who are most in need, to help them either restart existing grassroots football programmes or deliver new ones.


How much can you get?

Depending your organisation type, you can apply for grants of between £500 – £2,500.


What can you spend it on?

The grant must be spent on either restarting football activity, or delivering new football activity that was cancelled due to the pandemic.

This includes funding things like: sports equipment, safety and sanitation, staffing and training costs, marketing costs – any reasonable cost directly involved with restarting or delivering new football activity.

You can find a full breakdown of what you can/can’t use the grant on here.


Who is eligible for the grant?

  • FA Women’s National League Clubs (Tiers 3-4 of the Women’s Football Pyramid)
  • Disability Leagues
  • Professional Club Community Organisations
  • FA Charter Standard Clubs and non-for-profit organisations – only if delivering football in an area within Decile 1-3 of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)

Still unsure? Check out the fund’s handy eligibility checker.

Ready to apply?

The Return to Football fund is now open and closes on Sunday 28th March 2021, with all funding decisions communicated to applicants by Friday 9th April at the latest.

Apply on the Football Foundation website.

Grass Pitch Maintenance Fund

The Grass Pitch maintenance fund is a whopping £14m fund which will provide six-year tapered grants to clubs wishing to improve the quality of their natural turf pitches.


How much can you get?

This will depend on two things: pitch size and the quality of your pitch, as assessed by PitchPower, which will give your pitch a ‘Performance Quality Standard’ (PQS).

Pitches with a PQS of ‘basic’ or below can receive up to £2,500 in the first year (for a full sized pitch).

Pitches with a PQS of ‘good’ or higher can receive up to £750 in the first year (for a full sized pitch).

Grant payment are made annually for 6 years, though are tapered, so your annual amount received will decrease over time. For full-sized pitches with a PQS of ‘basic’ or below, you could receive up to £10,000 funding over 6 years.


What can you spend it on?

What you spend your grant on will be informed by your PitchPower Assessment Report.

This could include: contractor works, purchasing materials or purchasing equipment.

You cannot spend the grant on routine maintenance work.

You can find a full breakdown of what you can/can’t use the grant on here.


Who is eligible for the grant?

  • Grassroots clubs
  • Leagues
  • Charities with an annual turnover of <£500k
  • National League System Clubs Step 1-6 – only for pitches that are used for community football

The below are not eligible for the grant:

  • Clubs, leagues or organisations without suitable security of tenure
  • Clubs, leagues or organisations without a PitchPower Pitch Assessment Report
  • Charities with an annual turnover of >£500k
  • Local authorities

Ready to apply?

Before applying for the Grass Pitch Maintenance fund, eligible organisations have to sign up for PitchPower and undertake a PitchPower pitch inspection.

The fund opens on Monday 15th March for eligible organisations who have completed their PitchPower pitch inspection via the PitchPower app.

Find out more on the Football Foundation website.

Small Grants Fund

The Small Grants fund caters for clubs who need help paying for essential equipment, machinery or small works needed to start playing again.


How much can you get?

Grants of up to £25,000*

*Not to exceed 75% of the total project costs.


What can you spend it on?

The Small Grants on offer can be used to make a variety of improvements such as:

  • Improving the quality of playing surfaces
  • Installing fencing
  • Buying pitch maintenance machinery
  • Replacing or buying new goalposts
  • Refurbishing or carrying out essential works on your changing rooms or clubhouse.

You can find further details on what you can/can’t fund with the grant on here.


Who is eligible for the grant?

So long as grassroots football is an integral part of your offering, the below organisations are eligible to apply:

  • Non-for-profit football clubs or voluntary groups
  • Local authorities
  • County FAs
  • Professional club community organisations
  • Schools, colleges or universities providing facilities for the community
  • Registered charities
  • Non-for-profit companies
  • Community interest companies (CIC) or other social enterprises
  • Companies limited by guarantee

The below are not eligible for the grant:

  • Individuals or sole traders
  • National governing bodies
  • Commercial or for-profit entities
  • A club within the Premier League, Football League, National League System (Steps 1-6) Regional Feeder League (Step 7), Women’s Football Pyramid (Tiers 1-5) or Welsh Premier League
  • Schools, universities or colleges providing facilities only for their students

Ready to apply?

It’s worth reading the full Guide to Small Grants to ensure your organisation and project goals are eligible.

The fund is open for eligible organisations who can apply directly on the Football Foundation Website.

I’m not eligible for the Game On Funds, what other funding options are there?

Last year Sport England announced their Return to Play Fund, which will deliver a total of £16.5m in funding to groups, clubs and organisations in the sport and activity sector who have been hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

The fund is split into three separate strands (£10m for small grants up to £10,000, £5m for Community Asset grants up to £50,000 and £1.5m for Active Together crowdfunding matched grants up to £10,000).  The Return to Play fund is aimed at helping organisations to get back on track, in turn helping to get people active in the coming months as restrictions ease.

You can find out more about the Return to Play fund on the Sport England Website.

Sports Facility Financing

If you’re not eligible for the Game On funds, Sport England or similar funding, then financing some or all of your new facility or refurbishment may be an option available to you.


Sports Operating Lease

Sports operating leases are particularly popular for academy and state schools and allow you to spread the cost of investing in your new sports facilities. Benefits include reduced upfront costs, no deposit options, fixed payments, reduced tax payments, and the option to reclaim VAT.

Find out more about sports operating leases.


Hire Purchase Agreement

Particularly beneficial for VAT-registered organisations, hire purchase agreements allow you to spread the cost of your new sports facility over time. Benefits include reduced upfront costs, deferred payment options, tax relief via annual capital allowances and the option to claim VAT back at the outset (if VAT registered).

Find out more about hire purchase agreements.


Finance Lease

Finance leases are recommended for organisations who are not VAT-registered, as they allow you to spread the cost of your facility, and VAT, over time. Benefits of a finance lease include no-deposit options, fixed repayments and the ability to reduce taxable income with the full asset value on your balance sheet.

Find out more about finance leases.


You can find out more about all of these finance options and alternative funds on our dedicated Funding & Finance page or call our experts on 01635 34521 for tailored advice.

Funding and finance advice from S&C Slatter

We’ve worked with clients who have utilised a variety of funding options to bring their sports construction projects to life. With 30 years’ experience in the design, construction and maintenance of sports facilities, we have a large network of funding partners and contacts.

View our sports funding and finance case studies to see a selection of projects funded by operating leases or framework funding.

Contact our team to talk to us about your plans and receive advice and guidance on what funding options may be best suited to you.

S&C Slatter, in exclusive partnership with FieldTurf, are delighted to deliver our first 3G Pitch under the new Football Foundation AGP Framework 2020-2024.

The project was delivered for Racing Club Warwick Football Club and was officially handed over on Wednesday 10th February 2021.

Racing ahead in Warwick

Following our re-selection to the Football Foundation AGP Framework 2020-2024, S&C Slatter and FieldTurf are thrilled to hand over our first completed project of the new funding cycle.

The new sports facility, delivered for Racing Club Warwick, includes a brand new, full-sized 3G pitch for football complete with fencing, footpaths and spectator seating. The pitch features artificial turf from our exclusive partners FieldTurf, FIFA Preferred Turf Producers.

Racing Club Warwick are a football club based in Warwickshire, currently playing in the Midland League Premier Division (Step 5 of the National League System). Following promotion in their 2018-19 season, the club made plans to construct a new 3G Pitch, not only to further the growth of the club but to serve the wider community as a whole.

At the time of the announcement, Club Chairman Gary Vella commented:

“The pitch will be a real community facility, linking in with other Junior clubs and partners from within the local area to provide a facility that is accessible for all. The new pitch will give us a top-quality playing surface for our first team, every day of the week, and allows Racing’s teams to host all of our training and games, expand the academy and offer facilities to other Junior sides in the area. It is an exciting and huge project, which is just the next phase of our plans to develop Townsend Meadow into a true community hub”.

Strong foundation for football’s future

Racing Club Warwick are the first of our clients under the new cycle to benefit from Football Foundation funding to realise their project.

As existing suppliers to the 2015-2019 Football Foundation AGP Framework, S&C Slatter and FieldTurf have proudly delivered transformational new facilities for schools, councils and community clubs alike.

With a further 9 projects underway for the new Football Foundation AGP Framework this year, we’re thrilled to have delivered our first under the new programme and look forward to continuing to deliver first-class sporting facilities that serve communities across the country.

We wish The Racers all the very best with their new pitch and are sure those in the local community will be racing to the new facility when coronavirus restrictions ease!

About The Football Foundation

The Football Foundation is the Premier League, FA and Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s charity, improving the health and wellbeing of communities across the country with football grants to construct or improve sporting facilities.

Find out more about how they’re truly changing the game for grassroots football on their website.

Join the Winning Team

Together S&C Slatter and FieldTurf have been suppliers to the Football Foundation AGP Framework since 2015.

Any Football Foundation Funded project that selects FieldTurf as the preferred supplier will benefit from our unrivalled ‘one team’ approach and can expect the highest quality and performance of their new facility.

To find out more, please get in touch.

Call 01635 34521 or email

We were thrilled to see the results of our specialist winter deep clean at two independent schools recently. The pitches, constructed by S&C Slatter, are looked after by our maintenance specialists – and still look as good as new!

Constructed – and maintained – with integrity

In December 2020, our dedicated maintenance division visited two independent schools to carry out artificial turf deep cleans. The pitches – one sand dressed hockey pitch and one 3G pitch for rugby and football – were constructed by S&C Slatter in 2015 and 2012 respectively.

We visited the schools on day one of the deep clean process, returning on the third day, once work was complete, to capture before and after images. Common problems were identified on both pitches, with compaction occurring on the 3G Pitch, where the infill was no longer visible under flattened pile.

3G pitch before deep clean
3G pitch after deep clean

The hockey pitch had contamination visible on the surface, with visible moss growth, commonplace on pitches during winter months.

Sand-dressed hockey pitch before deep clean
Sand-dressed hockey pitch after deep clean

Following the deep clean process, the pitches were free from contaminants and debris, with the artificial turf pile and infill materials completely revived.

What is a winter deep clean?

In truth, a deep clean can be – and often is – carried out at any time of the year. A deep clean is designed to revitalise an artificial turf surface, maximising performance, safety and longevity.

The reason they are sometimes known as a ‘winter deep clean’ is because even with regular maintenance, pitches face greater risk of damage during the winter months. Deep cleans are designed to fully penetrate the artificial turf, lifting and cleaning the infill, while reviving the pile.

The four-stage process can take between 1-3 days, depending on the size and condition of your pitch. Find out more about the process on our dedicated Deep Clean page.


Why do pitches need a deep clean?

Ideally, deep cleans should be carried out annually or biannually in addition to standard regular maintenance.

Following heavy usage throughout the year – and poor weather – artificial turf can become compacted. This, combined with debris such as fallen leaves collecting on the surface, can cause issues with drainage and the growth of moss and algae.

If not addressed, this can lead to a slippery surface, badly affecting the grip, performance and ultimately safety of a pitch.


It’s great to see the results of our specialist deep clean on these pitches – helping to extend their lifespan and provide optimum safety and performance.

Artificial Pitch Deep Clean

If your artificial pitch could benefit from a deep clean, get in touch with our maintenance experts to arrange a free site consultation.

Call 01635 34521 or email